In the coaching world one of the biggest words that started to ciruclate is "pivot". This was back in 2020 when the whole world was a mess. No body new what to expect. Some believed "just two weeks". Some believed that it was going to last much longer than that. Some didn't know what to believe with all the conflicting information and evidence that was unfolding before their eyes. One things for sure, every coach, every self employed person, every small business to large business needed to learn how to pivot and quickly if they were going to financially survive.
This is applied to life in general. If we think about it we "pivot" all the time. We pivot when we have move into a relationship, to match them, to accomodate them and to grow together. We pivot when our beliefs change or evolve whether its about faith, nutrition, health. We pivot when we receive a diagnosis, or when there is a death or a birth in the family. All of this is natural coarse. If we don't pivot often we get left behind or we develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. We are designed to be adaptive. It is in our genetic code to be able to morph and change with life changes. This is what being human is all about.
Why then, do I "hate" the word so much? I'm a planner, I like to have things laid out. I also like to have goals. When I reach those goals that tells me in a tangible way that I am not staying stagnet in my life. Since the collision in 2018 my life has been nothing BUT constant pivoting. [For those that are new to me this blog explains where I was and how far I have come]. From waking up in the ICU and deciding that I needed to see Marley, to deciding I was going to walk without aids and that I would work again. Some of those I exceeded every health providers expectations. In other cases, I have hit the ground sometimes face planting... Sometimes on my knees because life decided to play me AGAIN.
Learning to play by the rules while on disability, learning to play within the rules during the 5 year litigation process. Making plans to being a single grieving mom of two children, to making plans of not being single and making decisions on what that would look like. Having plans to buy my ideal home in a warmer climate so "my titainium doesn't get cold" and how I could stay more mobile and do more without as much snow, without the extreme cold. In order to do that I have had to make many business goals. Many business ideas. Many have been successful. Many have worked but is slow going compared to what I thought and many.... didn't
happen at all and I have had to "pivot". I've been pivoting my whole life.
When I had my first born I stopped work temporarily... But because I was a contract worker when I came back, I was rebuilding my cliental again. When I had my second, and then a year later went back to work, I started all over again. When I learned that my "then husband" had commited massive financial abuse I was pivoting financially, selling what we could to avoid bankruptcy. When we moved, I had to start my career fresh again. Before that was a complete house flood, then a complete house fire.... Rebuilding possessions and taking the financial devistation that those cause is no easy feat. Having a mother die and a dad move away.... A divorce, a new relationship, a baby, a wedding, a move, the collision..... Everything that was fall out from that..... Pivoting. For 20years I have been pivoting every two to three years..... I am tired. I am tired of pivoting. I'm tired of restarting.
I am forty-four years old. I have lived through more life experiences than many have in their lives. [fire, flood, fatal collision ect.... Put in a plaque of locus and I'll have my own armagedon, lol]. As I continue to work to be financially independant. I continue to build business and connections. I still dream of my dream house that I can age well in.... [I've never growing up or in my adult life had a home longer than 3 years.... I want that.] I want the business that is self sustaining and I can manage a team as well as run it in the background. I love coaching, I love doing massage on the side but all my pivoting.... Its been lonely and I want a team where not only I can support, teach and mentor but also be inspired by, brain storm with and grow with. Pivoting is always a word that will "grate" me the wrong way... Moving with life challenges. Self development challenges, business challenges.... Those words have weight. Those words describe the real life challenges. I'm a "say it like it is." Coach. We can not address the issue if we do not say it like it is.
You can have the best laid plans. Yet life can and will decide to play you. You can not stop it. Life will always happen. It is what you do with it though. Pivoting is such an over used word and quite often its a word that is more like a "pat, pat, there, there answer." It's not easy to "pivot". It is mentally exhausting. It's emotional. Having to quickly make decisions with the information that you have.... Hoping, praying that you have enough of the information to make a wise decision. You are not alone. Life is a gamble you never know what you are going to get. Sometimes best laid plans just do not happen because of life circumstances.
Pivoting will always be a thing... It's a positive spin on what is going on beneath the surface. Next time the word "pivot" comes to mind I ask you.... Is that the right word? Or are you just telling yourself and others a "there, there" answer and not being honest with yourself. Call it for what it is and I guarantee you, your creative problem solving skills will kick in and plans and goals will start being created in your mind.